

“Grace, compassion, humility and surrender are all moral values which Christianity promotes, the will to power is the absolute foundation for a morality which is not definitive truth”

“Lies are crucial for society to function because the truth is something most people cannot handle”

“Man is the law and the creator therefore only he has the true right of choice. There is a storm inside because of unsolved contradictions, this is freedom and not being bound by determinism”

“Satan has a god, Man- not necessarily”

“The body can be satisfied but satisfying the mind is impossible”

“the Ubermensch spirit is not deterministic, it will rebel against anything that smells of stagnation, against everything that one can summarize in a formula. It will rather have the concrete than the schematic. Victory lies in fluctuation, action and change”

“Civilization created morals, sickness. Man cannot cope with the sickness of morality and he does not even try because our culture is already canonic, we grew up to social democratic values. We are not going to understand that we are sick, our fetish against the whole package”


“Escape from the real, to the shapeless kingdom you go. Take pleasure of what was gone. The shadow of the past move around you, open your arms and they will not touch you”

“One can know everything without living or live without knowing anything”

“Language is needed where the spirit is lacking”

Description of the world in numbers

THE ARTIST (GENIUS) – ability of observation, catches the beauty from a world of torment and indecision

Intuition without Reflection

“credo quia absurdum”


“Romantic is ideal frozen moment of time. Faustian is developing fully by flirting with things that are dangerous, but holding on to a sense of higher purpose”

“what do you see in the mirror ?
one will say -myself
the second -my reflection
the third –the mirror
the forth -reality, which is all of the above”

“for humans death cannot be more than the sum of our fears and believes, if we know these we understand death fully. For nature it is meaningless”

“Orfeo, how do you dogs ever know anything if you don’t sin, if your knowledge is not sin? Knowledge that is not sin is not really knowledge, it is not rational.”

Miguel de Unamuno

“Speech … this social product … was made for lying. I have heard one of our philosophers say that truth, like speech, is also a social product; truth is what all persons believe, and, by all believing the same thing, they understand one another. What is a social product is never truth, but lie.”

Miguel de Unamuno

“Reason is the understanding that the ideal and perfect are not achievable, therefore sin is only its logical consequence”

“The foundation of the thought is in doubt, which is not the case with belief, knowledge and imagination. Those do not tolerate doubt because it has to power to undermine their existence”

“Every concept is defined and empowered by its opposite which it negates”

“Pessimism as optimism, each in its own way, are a fatal abstraction of human fate : pessimism because of its blindness towards the redeeming power of knowledge which suffering produces, optimism because of its inability to see the humiliating, diminishing, destructive power of suffering.”


Money is the successor of religion and culture, it has the historical power of maintaining an order which is not natural, not of the strong but of the deceiver and deceived

Our intellect does not draw its laws from nature, but imposes its laws upon nature.


The worst slaves are the ones that are only slaves of themselves

To my enemies : have peace with the thought, that every celebration of me, is celebrating the day that I die

Since we are human, our will as expression, wish and passion can only be fully realized in the form of tension against the image of another person. Without religion, art and ideas (philosophy), the physical form of expression of one is only the extermination of another.

There is no one-thing that is good for everyone, one-thing only suits certain people. The only discussion we can truly have is which thing would be good for these certain people.

Every human being is equally unfree, that is, we create out of our freedom, a prison

Otto Rank

Bring irrational is just not knowing how to connect our feelings to our language and intellectual, in this way we translate it to the way we act, behave and communicate with others.

Human beings always have much more to lose than their chains.

Being a good person is nothing other than showing other people how bad they are

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